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ASA Classes

Classes are Open to Anyone

Already an ASA member and certified on some level? No problem, we
will get you to your next step in the certification process.

Looking to book multiple classes or bringing friends/family? If you schedule all of your 
classes with us, we offer significant discounts as you work through your certification process.
ASA 101 & 103 are ideal for advanced and beginner sailors!
ASA 105 Coastal Navigation now open for Fall of 2025.

Just Ask!

ASA 101

This is the beginning class. This class will take the beginner student from no experience to being able to pilot a 35 foot cruiser in and out of the slip, raise, lower, and trim the sails, in daylight and moderate conditions. 

ASA 103

This class is the second in the certification process. 103 adds more sailing skills and practice, plus adds chart reading and navigation. VHF radio operations and additional knots are included. Additional docking sailing and sail trim practice in daylight moderate conditions are part of this class.  

ASA 104

This class goes in depth into the boat systems. We will examine the engine systems, (raw water, closed water, fuel ) house water system, head system, house and shore power systems. We will cover general maintenance and trouble shooting procedures. We will plan a trip to a nearby port and will travel to that port using dead reckoning procedures.

ASA 106

Apply what you learned in ASA 105 and get some real experience planning and executing an overnight sailing trip. Generally done with smaller groups.

ASA 105

This is a take home class; unfortunately we don't get to go sailing for this certification. This class will teach more in depth navigation skills. Chart reading, tide tables and course plotting. Offered at select times throughout the year based on demand. Please ask to get on the list!  Now open for Fall 2025.


Schedule your class

At least two week ahead of time, giving time for textbooks and class material to arrive. Acquaint yourself with the content. Your blue logbook is important!


Take the Test

It is our job to make sure you are ready to take the test at the end of each course. With hands on experience with the vessel, you'll be speaking sailor soon. 

We get you out on the water. Don't worry if you have never
handled a boat before; you won't remember why you were so worried.


Check Your Mailbox

Upon completing your first ASA course you get a free three-month ASA membership and ASA ID#. After we and the ASA process your membership, you will receive a certificate in the mail and a sticker to put in your logbook.

Join us at Any Skill Level

ASA classes are ideal for prospective boat owners, those interested at "bare-boating" in exotic locations, or anyone looking to enhance or refresh their sailing knowledge.

Paradigm and crew participating in the Queens Cup: a 12+ hour race across Lake Michigan.

Price List (per-sailor)

We encourage, and will accommodate pricing for groups and families. Our goal is to create as many safe boaters on the water as possible. 

ASA Classes All Prices Include Course Materials, Textbooks, and ASA Registration

  • ASA 101 (2 Days)

  • ASA 103 (2 Days)

  • ASA 101 & 103 (3 Days)


  • ASA 104 (2 Days)

  • ASA 105 (Classroom)

  • ASA 106 (3 Days)
